This is an example of a picture that isn't objectively perfect but in hits me at my core with sentimentality. This is my cousin Malia. While sitting outside at a family party, I aimed my camera at her to take a photo. You may not be able to notice, but she was actually trying to hide her self from the camera (to mess with me).

     After five minutes of making funny faces and covering the lens with a hot dog(hence the bad focusing), she eventually just broke out in laughter and then I waited until just the right moment to click the shutter.  This was the result.

     One thing that I always wanted that I will never be able to get, was to be a big brother. I'm the youngest of four so I will never get that chance. Although I'm 19 going on 20...oh Christ..,whenever I'm at a family party all the young cousins run up to because they just love seeing me. I don't know exactly why but their parents all say they get excited when they hear they're going to see me. That just melts my heart. I show them my cameras, I talk about movies, but my favorite is when I tell them stories.

I love how Malia didn't pose in this shot, even though it looks like she had. It was just a child showing her honest happiness to me. If there's anything that makes me feel better, it's making a child smile. This photo reminds me not just of that day, but what I do every time I see these kids to make them feel like the little siblings I never had. But...first cousins once removed, close enough eh?


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